TBI Yoga

Free weekly yoga classes for people living with brain injury.

This brain injury yoga program is taught by certified yoga instructors who live with brain injury. 

Brain injury yoga supports participants as they:

  • Improve balance
  • Increase motor skills
  • Improve cognitive function
  • Grow energy and strength
  • Calm the brain
  • Reduce stress
  • Socialize, support and encourage each other

To sign up for notifications about upcoming classes and other programs please contact us.


Online Classes

No online classes at this time.

Studio Classes

Every Friday, 3:00 – 4:00 PM (Pacific)
Aditi Yoga (Wallingford Center)
1815 N 45th St #205, Seattle, WA 98103

Founded in 2010, this is the longest running yoga program specifically for people with brain injury in Washington state.

This program is funded by donations.