Health Guidelines

This page provides updates about our program related to global, federal and state health precautions and guidelines.

Program Changes

Please view the Program Calendar for an updated schedule.

We will continue to monitor global and local updates for pandemic impacts and post updates as they are available.


Those with brain injury can be more vulnerable to illness and disease. Please use the following precautions to ensure the safety of yourself and our community:

If you have any symptoms

If you are feeling unwell, have any cold symptoms, coughing, congestion, or fever please stay home and contact your physician by phone or online.

If you become unwell after attending a program in person and are being monitored for Covid-19, RSV or Flu, please notify us at

When attending programs in person

  • Ensure you sign in on the regular attendance sheets.
  • Wear a mask (optional).
  • Wash hands thoroughly before entering the room (for at least 20 seconds with the water as hot as you can stand it).
  • Avoid close contact, hand shakes and hugs (can use elbow bumps or bowing as alternatives).
  • Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth (without first cleaning your hands).
  • Cover coughs and sneezes with elbow or arm. If you happen to cough or sneeze in your hands wash them thoroughly.
  • For yoga classes:
    • Consider bringing your own mat and/or blanket (if you have one).
    • If you are planning to use a blanket, block or bolster under your head, you may want to bring a pillowcase to class that you can put over the equipment.